Revolutionise Employee Experience: How to Harness AI for Onboarding, Upskilling, and Professional Development

Maiven Point Solution One Stop

How to Harness Al for Onboarding, Upskilling, and Professional Development

Don’t miss this interactive webinar where you will learn how to harness the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in shaping the future of employee experience. Gain practical steps on how AI can be leveraged to streamline employee onboarding, foster professional development, and facilitate upskilling. Discover how AI can help create a more engaging, productive, and satisfying workplace environment, ultimately driving business success.

Duration: 1 Hour

27 Mar Webinar

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • ​Understand the Role of AI in Employee Experience
  • ​Identify Practical Application of AI in HR Processes
  • ​Establish Strategies for Successful AI Implementation


Dux Raymond Sy
Dux Raymond Sy

Microsoft RD and MVP, AvePoint Chief Brand Officer

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