Vitae Q2 2024 Release: Optimising Processes for Training Management System

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We’re excited to present the latest enhancements to Vitae, designed to improve administrative, financial, and company-specific functionalities. These updates focus on providing users with the most efficient, user-friendly, and comprehensive lifelong learning platform.

Explore how you can streamline your administrative tasks, enhance financial processes, and tailor functionality to your company’s unique needs with Vitae.

Administrative enhancements

1. Join the mailing list

    We added a feature that allows platform subscribers to be notified when specific course intakes are open for application. This ensures prospective learners are always in the loop and can plan their course applications and schedules accordingly.

    2. Course activation service

    Vitae now supports automated course activation in Service management, which allows administrators to streamline the process, save time, and reduce the management approval processes. Course activation can also be flexibly configured if levels of approvals are needed.

    3. SkillsFuture Career Transition Program (SCTP) course configuration

    Administrators can now designate courses as SCTP courses. This provides greater flexibility over course designations, ensuring the right content reaches the right learners and assisting in training programme optimisation.

    4. Trainer assignment

    To help boost productivity for course administrators, assigning multiple modules to trainers is now possible, replacing the need to manually assign modules one-by-one under module configuration.

    Vitae trainer assignment

    Finance enhancements

    1. Transaction support with PaySG

    We have integrated PaySG into our payment options to simplify transactions and provide users with a convenient and secure payment experience.

    2. Early bird discount

    The early bird discount eligibility period can now be set to a specific timeframe to encourage early sign-ups and improve course fill rates. This also gives users a better opportunity to enroll in desired courses, allowing for better planning and resource allocation.

    Vitae create discount

    3. Honorarium rate

    When configuring offsite or transport allowance in honorarium rates, you can create more flexible payment structures, including venue, evening rates, and flat rates per session. This supports the reflection of a more accurate rate per module per intake.

    Vitae honorarium rate

    4. Honorarium contract generation and approval 

    The honorarium contracts of all trainers can now be viewed in a global setting with customisable templates like headers and footers. This reduces administrative work and ensures accurate record-keeping and transparency.

    Vitae honorarium contracts global setting

    The Honorarium contract approval process can also be configured for more flexibility. It can be regenerated via contract renewals to update content, such as effective duration and honorarium rates. Document templates are also available to use in specific contract generation instances.

    Vitae edit honorarium contract approval

    5. Honorarium record management

    The honorarium computation settings can now be configured to control whether it is based on the assigned rate or the honorarium contract, aligning payments with your company’s policies effortlessly.

    Company-specific enhancements

    1. Review repeat-module tasks

    Companies and administrators can now review and refine repeat module tasks, ensuring recurring training activities are completed efficiently and effectively.

    2. Download learner certificates

    Companies can now download learner certificates, allowing a convenient way to keep track of employees’ progress and achievements.

    Vitae download learner certificates

    To deliver a seamless and collaborative experience, and maximize the value we offer our users, Vitae embarks on continuous improvement to be the best all-in-one lifelong learning platform.

    MaivenPoint Vitae CTA