Upskill Your Workforce with Copilot for Microsoft 365: 4 Ways to Successful Adoption

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Organisations investing in Copilot for Microsoft 365 are not only purchasing a tool but also investing in a new way of working to boost employee productivity and performance across various tasks.

In the Work Trend Index Special Report, 70% of early Copilot for Microsoft 365 users said they were more productive, and 68% felt it improved the quality of their work. Overall, users were 29% faster in tasks like searching, writing, and summarising. The best Copilot users even saved more than 10 hours per month!

However, as with any new technology, the key to unlocking its full capabilities lies in how effectively users adopt and utilise it. How can businesses ensure they are getting the maximum return on this investment? The answer lies in comprehensive, well-integrated training solutions that empower employees to leverage Copilot for Microsoft 365 to maximise its potential.

Debunking the Myth: AI Isn't (that) Intuitive for Everyone

One of the most common misconceptions is that AI adoption comes naturally to everyone, and employees will naturally and effortlessly know how to utilise it to speed up their daily work.

While it is true that Copilot and similar AI assistants are designed with user experience in mind, assuming that employees will automatically know how to use them effectively is a costly mistake. AI tools require the right prompts and contextual information to produce optimal results. The AI outputs need to be critically evaluated and adjusted for subsequent applications.

Watch the Copilot for M365 Training - The Key to Sustainable AI Adoption to learn more on how to use Copilot using the right prompts effectively.

Moreover, the concept of AI itself can be intimidating to many employees. There might be concerns about job security, confusion about how AI fits into existing processes, or simply a lack of confidence in using new technology. These barriers can significantly hinder adoption if not addressed properly.

Drive AI Literacy to Unlock Productivity in the Workplace

Copilot's functionality spans across the entire Microsoft 365 suite from drafting emails referencing documents in Outlook and restructuring data formats in Excel, to creating content drafts in Word, and summarising meeting notes in Teams.

Without proper guidance, employees might only scratch the surface of what is possible, using Copilot and Microsoft 365 for basic tasks while missing out on its more powerful features overall. And when the potential efficiencies are not tangibly reinforced, underutilised enterprise tools risk becoming "white elephants" over time. In the 2024 Work Trend Index, 79% of leaders agree their company needs to adopt AI to stay competitive, but 59% worry about quantifying AI's productivity gains. While most leaders agree AI is necessary, the pressure to show immediate return on investment (ROI) makes leaders move slowly.

Your Copilot for Microsoft 365 investment can and should be maximised with proper training and adoption.

Benefits of Training for an AI-Powered Workforce

Proper training is not optional—it is a crucial component that can make the difference between a costly experiment and a transformative business investment. Here are some key benefits of an AI-powered workforce:

  • Productivity gains. Employees can automate routine tasks, freeing up time for more strategic work. IDC predicts that GenAI-powered skills development will drive US$1 trillion in productivity gains by 2026. Companies should now focus more on how employees with freed-up time and capacity can create new business value and train them in skills required to thrive in a rapidly changing job market.
  • Cost savings. With 85% of costs tied up in people, companies today are pivoting workforce development strategies towards employee upskilling to sustain long-term growth with critical digital skillsets. Achieving a significant ROI for your Copilot for Microsoft 365 implementation may be simpler than you think. It can be as straightforward as saving your employees a few minutes each day. However, this is only possible if employees are well-trained in utilising the tool effectively. 

See how you can Upskill Your Workforce with Bite-sized Copilot for Microsoft 365 training content.

  • Employee satisfaction and retention. In the 2024 Work Trend Index, over 90% of AI users say their overwhelming workload is more manageable and their work more enjoyable. Companies that empower employees with AI tools and tailored training for their specific roles or functions will attract and retain the best talent as a competitive advantage over those lagging behind in AI adoption.

The Key to Copilot for Microsoft 365 Adoption Success

Not everyone welcomes change, and learning new ways of doing things takes time. The success of Copilot for Microsoft 365 adoption lies not only in the technology itself but also in how you upskill your team. The following are some tips to get started to ensure full Copilot adoption:

1. Open communication channels. Create a safe space for concerns, questions, and open dialogue around Copilot adoption. People may have legitimate concerns such as job displacement or other AI risks to the business. 

2. Focus on the benefits. Ensure the whole team understands the advantages of Copilot adoption, including increased efficiency, improved quality, and support for existing skills.

3. Train and start small with pilot projects. Showcase the value of Copilot within the team and offer training and pilot projects for employees to explore its capabilities practically.

4. Build Copilot champions. Build a group of champions or power users, ideally in each department or role type, to become proficient with Copilot and advocate its benefits to others.

    By fostering understanding, providing targeted training, and facilitating continuous learning, you can create the right environment for widespread adoption and maximise the benefits of this powerful tool. From just $1.80 per user per month, learn how to equip your workforce with instant bite-sized on-demand courses for Copilot adoption. Enrich your Copilot Investment with AI Training today!