Online learning and remote testing have become the norm in the post-pandemic world. The need for secure and reliable online testing platforms has increased significantly.
The latest release of MaivenPoint Examena in January 2023 comes packed with exciting new features and enhancements that will make online exam management more efficient, flexible, and secure for administrators and learners.
Read: 3 Reasons Why a Seamless Online Exam Platform is Crucial Today
In this blog, we’ll dive into the new Examena features and enhancements that were added to its online exam management system.
1. Have an overview of exams in a table
Examena now allows administrators to view exams as a table, making managing and performing bulk actions on multiple exams a whole lot easier.

Additionally, they can now also export exams into an Excel file, view the exam information locally, and create new exams or update the information of existing exams by importing the configured Excel file.
2. Additional security measures for users
To ensure the security of user information during proctored testing sessions, Examena now allows the option to choose whether users want to display their user ID and/or mobile phone number in their profile, adding an extra layer of privacy and protection.
Institutions can also add applications to the whitelist at the global level for both Windows and Mac, ensuring that these applications are always available for candidates and exam proctors of all closed-book exams.
3. Enforce exam entrance and time restrictions
Institutions can also enable a key that candidates must enter to start the exam. Keys can also be generated for exams after they are published.

Administrators can even set a time interval to update the key constantly. Entrance and time restrictions can also be defined, restricting candidates who enter the exam later than the allotted time. This, paired with the technology to perform classroom screen monitoring, makes for an effective approach to checking candidates’ attendance and punctuality.

4. Define your organization
Administrators can now present a better view of their staff and rank with Examena’s new feature to define and publish organizational structures.
Furthermore, they can also create organizations based on the published organigram. Courses can then be prepared for specific organizations, and the candidates for each course can be assigned to different classes for easier management.
5. More options to customize your exams and courses
Customization options have also been enhanced in Examena, allowing institutions to configure default publish settings for exams in the online test creator.

This leads to more flexibility by being able to configure the default grade mapping template and default display settings for exams. For fixed time-range exams, exam administrators can edit exam times for candidates before publishing the exam.
6. Export and mark exams locally
The latest release of Examena provides a systematic approach to marking responses in its data reporting platform. You can now export candidate responses to an Excel file and import the marked candidate responses back into the system for offline marking. This feature is especially helpful for exam administrators who have to mark multiple exams from various candidates across the globe.
7. Save a copy of your responses for reassurance
Examena has added a feature that gives candidates confidence in their responses and results. The exam results for each attempt can now be printed on the Attempt details page. Candidates can also save their responses locally if they fail to submit them due to poor network connection. Once reconnected, they can sign in again and click Retry to submit their saved local answers to the system.
With these significant enhancements to its online test platform, Examena provides institutions with a more comprehensive and secure exam management system. This updated assessment platform allows for better exam administration and offers features such as monitoring student screens, using auto-grading software, and accessing performance-tracking tools.
Carrying an array of tools at your disposal, MaivenPoint Examena provides greater flexibility and security for both administrators and learners alike.
Want to learn more about Examena? Visit our product page and request a free trial today.